Supporting Your Journey to a Healed and Authentic Life
You may feel alone right now, you won't for long! We are here and ready to take this journey with you. From your first call or email, our team will respond within 24 business hours. Your endless calls stop here! We are dedicated to pairing you with a quality, highly skilled therapist based on your unique needs. If we don't have one here that fits, we will help you find one in the community. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in life. We customize treatment to the unique needs of each client using a variety of methods and techniques, including, but not limited to EMDR, Structural Dissociation, CBT and DBT. We believe in diversity, inclusion and equity for all, always practicing from an affirming, trauma informed and social justice lens.

At Beckstein and Associates Behavioral Health, we take an innovative and integrative approach to an array of behavioral health concerns. Specializing in trauma and complex trauma, we treat many mental health concerns from a trauma lens seeking not just symptom management, but healing of our whole self. Our team is standing by to join you on your journey to healing, empowerment and authenticity.
Trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that damage your sense of security and identity, making you feel helpless and fearful. Trauma can leave you struggling with emotion regulation, memories and flashbacks, depression and anxiety that won’t go away. It can also leave you feeling numb, disconnected, and unable to trust and connect with other people. At Beckstein and Associates Behavioral Health, we specialize in the most advanced treatment of trauma, including complex trauma and trauma related dissociation.

We believe that not being affirmed, accepted and supported for who we are at our core IS a traumatic experience and we treat it as such. We understand unique challenges that marginalized communities face and the resulting trauma experienced. Being specialists in the field of trauma, we strive to create an inclusive and affirming environment to help you explore your unique, authentic self while healing your traumatic experiences.